X Author: Edward Cubero
Wei, Max, Gregory J Rosenquist, Katie Coughlin, Edward Cubero, Chao Ding, Thomas A Burke, Omar Abdelaziz, Jackson Thach, Anthony Ng, Jonah Steinbuck, and Drew Bohan."Benefits and Challenges in Using Low GWP A3 Refrigerants in Residential Air Condition Equipment."
Meyers, Stephen, and Edward Cubero."Energy and Economic Impacts of U.S. Federal Energy and Water Conservation Standards Adopted From 1987 Through 2020."
Coughlin, Katie, Edward Cubero, Akhil Mathur, and Gregory J Rosenquist."Analysis of Space-Conditioning Loads in Commercial Buildings."
Franco, Victor H, Youness Bennani Smires, Jing Ke, Edward Cubero, and Alex Lekov."Estimating Residential Appliance Lifetime for Energy Efficient Policy Analysis."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Building Energy Efficiency