X Author: Leo I Rainer
Apte, Michael G, Alfred T Hodgson, Derek G Shendell, Leo I Rainer, and Marc A Hoeschele."Designing Building Systems to Save Energy and Improve Indoor Environments: A Practical Demonstration."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
3 (2004) 13-27.
Rainer, Leo I, Marc A Hoeschele, Michael G Apte, Derek G Shendell, and William J Fisk."Energy savings estimates and cost benefit calculations for high performance relocatable classrooms."
Apte, Michael G, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Alfred T Hodgson, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Derek G Shendell, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Simultaneous Energy Savings and IEQ Improvements in Relocatable Classrooms."
(2003) 13. DOI
Apte, Michael G, Alfred T Hodgson, Derek G Shendell, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Simultaneous Improvements in Relocatable Classrooms."ASHRAE IAQ Applications
(2003) 7-10.
Apte, Michael G, Alfred T Hodgson, Derek G Shendell, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Satish Kumar, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Richard C Schmidt, Douglas P Sullivan, Richard C Diamond, and William J Fisk."Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality in Relocatable Classrooms."Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
II (2002) 62-69.
Shendell, Derek G, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, William J Fisk, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Seung-Min Lee, Douglas P Sullivan, Michael G Apte, and Leo I Rainer."Final methodology for a field study of indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency in new relocatable classrooms in Northern California."
Shendell, Derek G, Michael G Apte, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, William J Fisk, Alfred T Hodgson, Satish Kumar, Douglas P Sullivan, and Leo I Rainer."Linking Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality to Provide Thermal Comfort and Reduce Children's Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds: Demonstration Project in New Relocatable Classrooms at Northern California Public Schools."11th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, November 4-8, 2001
(2001) 148.
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Steven J Konopacki, Asim Afzal, Kristin E Heinemeier, and Leo I Rainer."A New Approach to Estimate Commercial Sector End-Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1994 (1994).
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Steven J Konopacki, Asim Afzal, Kristin E Heinemeier, and Leo I Rainer."Integrated Estimation of Commerical Sector End-Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities in the PG&E Service Area."
Akbari, Hashem, Leo I Rainer, and Joseph H Eto."Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End-Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities, Phase II."
Akbari, Hashem, Isaac Turiel, Joseph H Eto, Kristin E Heinemeier, Benoit Lebot, and Leo I Rainer."A Review of Existing Commercial Energy Use Intensity and Load Shape Studies."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings