X Author: Sheng-Chieh Chang
Galitsky, Christina, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Ernst Worrell, and Eric R Masanet."Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Industry."
Galitsky, Christina, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Ernst Worrell, and Eric R Masanet."Improving Energy Efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations."
Price, Phillip N, Sheng-Chieh Chang, and Michael D Sohn."Characterizing buildings for airflow models: What should we measure?."
Black, Douglas R, Tracy L Thatcher, Richard G Sextro, William W Delp, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Emily E Wood, Jean C Deputy, Toshifumi Hotchi, Mark R Sippola, and Douglas P Sullivan."Joint Urban 2003: Indoor Measurements Final Data Report."