Implementing End-use Efficiency Improvements in India: Drawing from Experience in the US and Other Countries

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Growing concerns about energy security have prompted the U.S. and India to launch a new Energy Dialogue that reflects the transformed strategic relationship between the world's two largest democracies. The United States and India recognize their mutual interests are best served by working together in a collaborative fashion to ensure stability in global energy markets. Helping India reach its potential for energy savings is in the U.S. interest for environmental and energy security reasons. These are being addressed through the U.S.-India Energy Dialogue, which was launched on May 31, 2005. The Dialogue established five Working Groups along with a Steering Committee to provide oversight. The goals of the Dialogue are to promote increased trade and investment in the energy sector by working with the public and private sectors to further identify areas of cooperation and collaboration.

The Power and Energy Efficiency Working Group has organized the US-India Energy Efficiency Conference, which will be held on May 2-3 in New Delhi, India. This Working Group promotes the exchange of information on technology and regulatory policies and will develop cooperative programs and promote technologies to enhance electricity end-use efficiency. It is recognized by the Working Group that most energy efficiency technologies are cost effective, but implementation is hampered by institutional, procedural, and process barriers. This is not unique to India. There are lessons to be learnt from other countries in understanding ways that energy efficiency could be promoted in the Indian market environment. The main aim of the Conference is to explore the barriers to implementation of energy efficiency in India, illustrate ways in which such barriers are overcome, and delineate approaches of how energy efficiency markets could be triggered in India in the buildings and industrial sectors.

This paper was prepared to provide background information for participants of the US-India Energy Efficiency Conference. It highlights energy efficiency technologies, barriers, and policies and programs that are being implemented in the US, India and other selected countries. The paper discusses the lessons to be learned from these experiences, conditions that would facilitate energy efficiency penetration in India, and ways by which the Working Group could foster cooperation between the two countries.

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