

Commercial Building Analysis Tool for Energy-Efficient Retrofits (COMBAT)

The Commercial Building Analysis Tool (COMBAT) for Energy Efficient Retrofits analyzes commercial building retrofit energy savings and investment cost-effectiveness. The intended audience is retrofit practitioners, policymakers, facility managers, and engineers.

Link to website for download:

Multizone Airflow and Contaminant Transport Analysis Software (CONTAM)

Berkeley Lab contributes to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Multizone Airflow and Contaminant Transport Analysis Software (CONTAM), a whole-building airflow and pollutant transport tool. CONTAM couples a multizone network airflow model to a well-mixed pollutant transport model to predict the transport and fate of airborne materials. It includes deposition, filtration, source terms, and other transport models. The intended audience is a broad range of users, scientists, and regulators.

Link to website for download:


Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM)

The Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM) produces optimal investment decisions and dispatch for technologies as fuel cells, PV, solar thermal, electric/heat storage, heat pumps, EVs, etc.; and minimizes annual energy costs, CO2 emissions, or multiple objectives of providing services to buildings. The intended audience is Distributed Energy Resources project developers and renewable energy integration researchers.

Link to website for download:

International Database of Efficient Appliances (IDEA)

International Database of Efficient Appliances (IDEA) automatically compiles data from a wide variety of online sources—including online retailers, manufacturer websites, and government efficiency databases--to create a unified repository of information on efficiency, price, and features for a wide range of energy-consuming products across global markets. Data from IDEA enables researchers and policymakers to gain a complete and up-to-date picture of the status of appliance energy efficiency in various markets.

This tool is not publicly accessible. Please contact Brian Gerke for more information.

Building Efficiency Targeting Tool for Energy Retrofits (BETTER)

The Building Efficiency Targeting Tool for Energy Retrofits (BETTER) is an award-winning web application that delivers actionable insights to improve energy, emissions, and financial performance in buildings and portfolios without requiring site visits and complex modeling. The tool identifies immediate, cost-saving operational measures and technology upgrades to reduce energy and emissions while prioritizing facilities for more in-depth audits and analysis. 

More Information and Download

50001 Ready Navigator

The 50001 Ready Navigator is an online application that provides step-by-step guidance for implementing and maintaining an energy management system in conformance with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard. Join the 23,000+ facilities worldwide benefiting from an energy management system!

50001 Ready Navigator

50001 Ready Navigator Playbook

ISO 50001:2011 to 2018 Transition Guide

Cross Sector

Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for the Dairy Industry (BEST-Dairy)

The Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for the Dairy Industry (BEST-Dairy) is a free tool for benchmarking energy/water savings in various dairy processes.

This BEST-Dairy benchmarking tool (V1.2, 2011) is developed for industrial users to compile data on energy and water usage in their own dairy processing plants, and to compare the efficiency levels with those of best references. It is developed and distributed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

The BEST-Dairy tool allows a user to calculate energy and water use intensity and obtain a benchmarking score(s) for the selected plant, as compared with the best available references that we have identified from literature search nationally and globally. With the best references as the baseline, a higher benchmark score normally means higher savings potential from future efficiency improvement in your plant. The BEST-Dairy is intended to serve as a quick assessment of relative energy and water efficiency, which may also help to identify potential savings opportunities in the plant and processes. Users of the BEST-Dairy are advised that additional information and evaluation of the technologies be needed when considering system upgrades.

This tool is not publicly accessible. Please contact Jing Ke for more information..

Agricultural Irrigation DR Estimation Tool (AIDRET)

The Agricultural Irrigation Demand Response Estimation Tool developed by the DRRC accurately estimates agricultural loads based on weather and availability of surface water. From this, it is possible to determine how much of that load can be shed or shifted as a demand response resource. Two tools are in development: a tool for PG&E personnel to use for evaluating AutoDR technical incentive applications, and a public tool for growers and aggregators to estimate the level of incentives they may be eligible for so that they can decide between available options.

Agricultural Irrigation DR Estimation Tool (AIDRET)


CalTOX is a set of spreadsheet models and spreadsheet data sets to assist in assessing human exposures from continuous releases to multiple environmental media, i.e. air, soil, and water. The modeling components of CalTOX include a multimedia transport and transformation model, multi-pathway exposure scenario models, and add-ins to quantify and evaluate uncertainty and variability. All parameter values used as inputs to CalTOX are distributions, described in terms of mean values and a coefficient of variation, rather than as point estimates or plausible upper values such as most other models employ. This probabilistic approach allows both sensitivity and uncertainty analyses to be directly incorporated into the model operation.

Link to website for download:

CalTOX Tool

Eco and Low-carbon Indicator Tool for Evaluating Cities (ELITE Cities)

The Eco and Low-carbon Indicator Tool for Evaluating Cities (ELITE Cities) defines a low carbon eco-city. Evaluates and compares international and Chinese cities with indicators to assess progress, identify best practices and facilitate policy recommendations.

Link to website for download:

Green Resources and Energy Appraising Tool (GREAT)

The Green Resources and Energy Appraising Tool (GREAT) develops a city's GHG inventory, scenario generation on future energy and emissions, evaluates the impact of different policies, and helps to set target and develop action plans and target allocation.

Link to website for download:

Lifecycle Industry GHgas Technology and Energy Through the User Phase (LIGHTnUP)

Lifecycle Industry GHgas Technology and Energy through the Use Phase (LIGHTnUP) is used to forecast both the manufacturing sector and product life-cycle energy consumption implications of manufactured products across the U.S. economy.

Link to file download:


Urban Form Rapid Assessment Model (Urban RAM)

Urban Form Rapid Assessment Model (Urban RAM) provides a quick assessment of the magnitude and sources of a city's operational and embodied energy and carbon footprints in order to understand better the drivers of urban energy/emissions growth and areas of possible policy intervention.

Link to website for download:


Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for the Cement Industry (BEST-Cement)

The Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for the Cement Industry (BEST-Cement) is a process-based benchmarking and energy savings tool for cement industry

Link to website for download:

Energy Efficiency Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Tool for the Pulp & Paper Industry (EAGER-Pulp & Paper)

The Energy Efficiency Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Tool for the Pulp & Paper Industry (EAGER-Pulp & Paper) determines the energy saving potential and cost of the energy efficiency technologies that the user chooses as applicable to their pulp and paper plants.

Link to website for download:

Industry Sector Energy Efficiency Modeling (ISEEM)

Industry Sector Energy Efficiency Modeling (ISEEM) provides an industry sector energy supply-demand planning model, including commodity and carbon trading as viable alternatives to emission reduction.

Link to download this file:

Industrial Sector Energy Efficiency Modeling

Sewage Sludge Use in Cement Companies as an Energy Source (SUCCESS)

The Sewage Sludge Use in Cement Companies as an Energy Source (SUCCESS) tools assists decision makers in implementing sludge-end-use-in-cement schemes with optimal economic and environmental outcomes.

Link to website for download:

USEtox™ Model (USEtox)

USEtox™ is a model based on scientific consensus for characterizing human and ecotoxicological impacts of chemicals in life cycle impact assessment. The main output includes a database of recommended and interim characterization factors including environmental fate, exposure, and effect parameters for human toxicity and ecotoxicity. LBNL EAEI scientists were part of the USEtox development team.

Link to website for download:


Conservation Supply Curve Modeling (CSC-Framework)

The Conservation Supply Curve (CSC) Modeling methodology is used for capturing engineering and the economic perspectives of industrial sector energy conservation technologies.

This tool is not publicly accessible. Please contact William Morrow for more information.

Manufacturing Cost Levelization Model

The Manufacturing Cost Levelization Model is a cost-performance techno-economic model that estimates total large-scale manufacturing costs necessary to produce a given product. It is designed to provide production cost estimates for technology researchers to help guide technology research and development towards an eventual cost-effective product. The model presented here for download is generic and can be tailored to the manufacturing of any product, including the generation of electricity (as a product). This flexibility, however, requires the user to develop the processes and process efficiencies that represents a full-scale manufacturing facility.

This tool is not publicly accessible. Please contact William Morrow for more information.

EnPI Lite

EnPI Lite estimates energy savings relative to relevant variables like production levels and weather.

EnPI Lite

Power Sector

eProject Builder

eProject Builder enables Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) and their contracting agencies to upload and track project-level information; generate basic project reports required by local, state, and/or federal agencies; and benchmark new Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) projects against historical data.

Link to website for download:

eProject Builder

FINancial impacts of Distributed Energy Resources Model (FINDER Model)

The FINancial impacts of Distributed Energy Resources (FINDER) Model is used to quantify the impacts of EE, DR, and/or DG on utility shareholders (reported as earnings and ROE impacts) and utility customers (reported as customer bills and rates). Can also assess the resource costs and benefits of various portfolios of EE, DR, and/or DG.

Link to website for download:

The FINDER Model is available through Department of Energy (DOE)-funded state technical assistance programs. For more information, click here.


Interruption Cost Estimate Calculator (ICE Calculator)

The Interruption Cost Estimate (ICE) Calculator tool is designed for electric reliability planners at utilities, government organizations or other entities that are interested in estimating interruption costs and/or the benefits associated with reliability improvements in the United States.

Link to website for download:

Interruption Cost Estimate Calculator

Resource Planning Portal

The Resource Planning Portal is a web-based tool that allows users to: input electric utility planning information in a consistent format; benchmark planning assumptions across jurisdictions; and output results in a standardized format for deeper analysis.

Link to website for download:

Resource Planning Portal