Will Gorman

Will Gorman

Will Gorman is a Research Scientist in the Energy Markets and Policy Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he focuses on the integration of renewable energy into the electric power system, the economics of distributed energy resources, and the application of energy storage within electricity networks. In his work, Will particularly seeks to inform public and private decision making within the U.S. electricity sector via economic analysis.

He has published his research in Applied Energy, Energy Policy, and Energy Economics among other journals, and has been invited to speak in front of FERC, and at the ACP Clean Power annual meeting, the Energy Systems and Integration Group Technical Symposium as well as the United States Association of Energy Economists. While being a guest on multiple podcasts, he has also been featured in industry publications such as Canary Media and Utility Dive.

Previously, Will worked with the utilities practice at The Brattle Group, where he focused on wholesale electricity market and retail rate design. He has also held positions with Boston University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy as well as University of Texas at Austin’s Webber Energy Group. Will has a PhD in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a B.A in Plan II Honors from the University of Texas at Austin.

Contact Information

Phone: 972-824-3034


Spot: Will Gorman -  November 1st 2023

For outstanding leadership of the i2X roadmap, which requiredcomplex topic area expertise, strategic vision, stakeholder engagement, and skillful management of interpersonal dynamics across a diverse author team.

Spot: Will Gorman, Joseph Rand, Joachim Seel -  February 24th 2022

For successful leadership of interconnection queue and hybrid top-10 projects.

Spot: Will Gorman -  June 21st 2021

Showing dedication to creating high quality research and sharing findings with the public in the Renewable Hybrids project.

Will Gorman profile page
