Introduction to Wholesale and Retail Demand Response with a Focus on Measurement and Verification

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Demand response includes both incentive-based and time-based programs for electricity consumers that allow them to increase or decrease demand at certain times when such action would be helpful to support the utility grid network. The electric power industry considers DR as an increasingly valuable resource option for meeting capacity needs, improving reliability, reducing wholesale and retail costs, and supporting a grid with higher levels of distributed generation and variable-output renewable resources. Grid modernization is expanding DR capabilities and potential benefits.  Assessing changes in electricity consumption resulting from DR pricing and incentive programs is a critical element in assessing their value.Several standard measurement and verification (M&V) approaches exist for determining these impacts.
This webinar's presenters include experts in this field that will describe DR programs and markets - both wholesale (e.g., programs run by regional transmission organizations and independent system operators) and retail (e.g., programs run by utilities). Speakers will present examples of DR M&V approaches and considerations, such as determining baselines for assessing impacts. Following presentations, speakers will answer audience questions.

Year of Publication



Link(link is external) to April 13, 2017, webinar presentation.


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