Potential for reducing paper mill energy use and carbon dioxide emissions through plant-wide energy audits: A case study in China
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The pulp and paper industry is one of the most energy-intensive industries worldwide. An energy audit is a primary step toward improving energy efficiency at the facility level. This paper describes a plant-wide energy audit aimed at identifying energy conservation and carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation opportunities at a paper mill in Guangdong province, China. We describe the energy audit methods, relevant Chinese standards, methods of calculating energy and carbon indicators, baseline energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the audited paper mill, and nine energy-efficiency improvement opportunities identified by the audit. For each of the nine options, we evaluate the energy conservation and associated CO2 mitigation potential. The total technical energy conservation potential for these nine opportunities is 967.8 terajoules (TJ), and the total CO2 mitigation potential is equal to 93,453 tonnes CO2 annually, representing 14.4 percent and 14.7 percent, respectively, of the mill's total energy consumption and CO2 emissions during the audit period.