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Hirst, Eric, Martin Schweitzer, Evelin Yourstone, and Joseph H Eto."Assessing Integrated Resource Plans Prepared by Electric Utilities."
Kahn, Edward P, Michael H Rothkopf, Joseph H Eto, and Jean-Michel Nataf."Auctions for PURPA Purchases: A Simulation Study."Journal of Regulatory Economics
2.2 (1990). DOI
Hirst, Eric, and Charles A Goldman."Review of Demand-Side data needs for Least-Cost Utility Planning."Energy
15.5 (1990) 9. DOI
Sherman, Max H."Air Change Rate and Air Tightness in Buildings."Performance of Building Constructions and its Subcommittee E06.41 on Infiltration Performances, April 16-17, 1989
STP 1067 (1990) 302. DOI
Krause, Florentin, Edward L Vine, and Sunita Gandhi."Program Experience and Its Regulatory Implications: A Case Study of Utility Lighting Efficiency Programs."
(1989) 74.
Goldman, Charles A, and Eric Hirst."Key Issues in Developing Demand-Side Bidding Programs."
(1989) 15.
Miller, Peter M, Joseph H Eto, and Howard S Geller."The Potential for Electricity Conservation in New York State."
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Competitive Bidding for Electric Power: Comparing Evaluation Methods."
(1989) 23.
Kahn, Edward P, Charles A Goldman, Steven Stoft, and Douglas Berman."Evaluation Methods in Competitive Bidding for Electric Power."
(1989) 57.
Kahn, Edward P, Charles A Goldman, Steven Stoft, and Douglas Berman."Evaluation Methods in Competitive Bidding Volume 2: Technical Appendix."
(1989) 65.
Eto, Joseph H, Henry Ruderman, Amos Golan, Kristin E Heinemeier, and David J Wood."Analysis of California Hourly End‑Use Residential Electricity Load Shapes."End-Use Load Information and Application Conference for Customer and Utility Communication
Anderson, Karen, Linda Berry, Joseph H Eto, Howard S Geller, Jeffrey P Harris, Mark D Levine, Alan K Meier, Arthur H Rosenfeld, Carol Sabo, Edward L Vine, Stephen Wiel, Cheryl Wodley, Charles A Goldman, Eric Hirst, and Florentin Krause."Least Cost Planning in the Utility Sector: Progress and Challenges."
(1989) 24.
Ruderman, Henry, Joseph H Eto, Kristin E Heinemeier, Amos Golan, and David J Wood."Residential End-Use Load Shape Data Analysis."
(1989) 62.
Traynor, Gregory W, Michael G Apte, Richard C Diamond, and Alicia L Woods."The Need for a Carbon Monoxide Passive Sampler."
Goldman, Charles A, and Edward P Kahn."Comparative Assessment of the Demand-Side Management Plans of Four New York Utilities."Energy
14.10 (1989) 14. DOI
Harris, Jeffrey P, Charles A Goldman, Kathleen M Greely, Francis Wenger, Andre Gsponer, and Veronique Richalet."Comparing Measured Savings and Cost-Effectiveness of Multifamily Retrofits in the U.S. and Europe."
(1989) 18.
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Isaac Turiel, Kristin E Heinemeier, Benoit Lebot, Bruce Nordman, and Leo I Rainer."Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End‑Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities, Final Report."
Fisk, William J, Richard J Prill, and Olli Seppänen."A Multi-Tracer Technique for Studying Rates of Ventilation, Air Distribution Patterns, and Air Exchange Efficiencies."Building Systems: Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution
Krause, Florentin, and Joseph H Eto."Least Cost Utility Planning, A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners, Volume 2: The Demand Side: Conceptual and Methodological Issues."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand-Side Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
3.4 (1988) 7. DOI
Eto, Joseph H."Least-Cost Utility Planning, A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners Volume 1."
Goldman, Charles A, Kathleen M Greely, and Jeffrey P Harris."An Updated Compliation of Measured Energy Savings in Retrofitted Multifamily Buildings."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Carl Blumstein, and Michael Jaske."Changing Needs in Energy Demand Forecasting: A California Perspective."1988 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings