X Author: Daniel E Wolfe
Andrews, Arlyn E, Jonathan D Kofler, Michael E Trudeau, Jonathan C Williams, Don H Neff, Kenneth A Masarie, Danlei Y Chao, Duane R Kitzis, Paul C Novelli, Conglong Zhao, Edward J Dlugokencky, Patricia M Lang, Molly J Crotwell, Marc L Fischer, Matthew J Parker, John T Lee, Daniel D Baumann, Ankur R Desai, Charles O Stanier, Stephan F. J De Wekker, Daniel E Wolfe, William J Munger, and Pieter P Tans."CO2, CO, and CH4 measurements from tall towers in the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network."Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
7 (2014) 647-687. DOI