X Author: Hal Levin
Sundell, Jan, Hal Levin, William W Nazaroff, William S Cain, William J Fisk, David T Grimsrud, Finn Gyntelberg, Yuguo Li, Andrew K Persily, Anthony C Pickering, Jonathan M Samet, John D Spengler, Steven T Taylor, and Charles J Weschler."Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 191-204. DOI
Hodgson, Alfred T, and Hal Levin."Classification of measured indoor volatile organic compounds based on noncancer health and comfort considerations."
Mendell, Mark J, William J Fisk, Kathleen Kreiss, Hal Levin, Darryl Alexander, William S Cain, John R Girman, Cynthia J Hines, Paul A Jensen, Donald K Milton, Larry P Rexroat, and Kenneth M Wallingford."Improving the health of workers in indoor environments: priority research needs for a national occupational research agenda."Am J Public Health
92.9 (2002) 1430-1440.
Fisk, William J, Gail Brager, Martha Brook, Harriet A Burge, James Cole, James B Cummings, Hal Levin, Vivian Loftness, Terrence Logee, Mark J Mendell, Andrew K Persily, Steven T Taylor, and Jianshun Zhang."A priority agenda for energy-related indoor environmental quality research."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
2 (2002) 984-989.
Fisk, William J, Gail Brager, Harriet A Burge, James B Cummings, Hal Levin, Vivian Loftness, Mark J Mendell, Andrew K Persily, Steven T Taylor, and Jianshun Zhang."Energy-related indoor environmental quality research: A priority agenda."
Levin, Hal, Alfred T Hodgson, and Bruce A Tichenor."Screening and Selecting Building Materials and Products Based on Their Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)."Characterizing Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects
ASTM STP 1287 (1996) 376-391.