X Author: Jinkai Li
Shen, Bo, Girish Ghatikar, Zeng Lei, Jinkai Li, Greg Wikler, and Phil Martin."The Role of Regulatory Reforms, Market Changes, and Technology Development to Make Demand Response A Viable Resource in Meeting Energy Challenges."Applied Energy
130 (2014) 814–823. DOI
Li, Jinkai, Bo Shen, Jin Zhang, Pei Miao, Dingyan Cai, and Xiangying Fu."Characteristics and Application of Distributed Energy and Micro Grid: Based on Information Technology."Information Technology Journal
12.19 (2013) 5231-5237. DOI
Li, Jinkai, Bo Shen, Pei Miao, Yafeng Han, and Jin Zhang."China’s Industrial Energy Intensity: Regional Differences and Influencing Factors."Journal of Applied Sciences
13.17 (2013) 3604-3607. DOI