X Author: M Maureen Hand
Riva, Alberto Dalla, János Hethey, Silke Lüers, Anna-Kathrin Wallasch, Knud Rehfeldt, Aidan Duffy, David Edward Weir, Maria Stenkvist, Andreas Uihlein, Tyler Stehly, Eric Lantz, Ryan H Wiser, and M Maureen Hand."IEA Wind TCP Task 26‒Wind Technology, Cost, and Performance Trends in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the European Union, and the United States: 2008‒2016."
Moné, Christopher, M Maureen Hand, Mark Bolinger, Joseph Rand, Donna Heimiller, and Jonathan Ho."2015 Cost of Wind Energy Review."
Wiser, Ryan H, Karen Jenni, Joachim Seel, Erin Baker, M Maureen Hand, Eric Lantz, and Aaron Smith."Expert elicitation survey on future wind energy costs."Nature Energy
1.10 (2016) 16135. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Karen Jenni, Joachim Seel, Erin Baker, M Maureen Hand, Eric Lantz, and Aaron Smith."Forecasting Wind Energy Costs and Cost Drivers: The Views of the World’s Leading Experts."
Vitina, Aisma, Silke Lüers, Anna-Kathrin Wallasch, Volker Berkhout, Aidan Duffy, Brendan Cleary, Lief I Husabø, David E Weir, Roberto Lacal-Arántegui, M Maureen Hand, Eric Lantz, Kathy Belyeu, Ryan H Wiser, Mark Bolinger, and Ben Hoen."IEA Wind Task 26: Wind Technology, Cost, and Performance Trends in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, the European Union, and the United States: 2007–2012."
Arent, Douglas J, Jacquelyn Pless, Trieu Mai, Ryan H Wiser, M Maureen Hand, Samuel F Baldwin, Garvin A Heath, Jordan Macknick, Morgan Bazilian, Adam Schlosser, and Paul Denholm."Implications of high renewable electricity penetration in the U.S. for water use, greenhouse gas emissions, land-use, and materials supply."Applied Energy
123 (2014) 368 - 377. DOI
Mai, Trieu, M Maureen Hand, Samuel F Baldwin, Ryan H Wiser, Greg L Brinkman, Paul Denholm, Douglas J Arent, Gian Porro, Debra Sandor, Donna J Hostick, Michael Milligan, Edgar A DeMeo, and Morgan Bazilian."Renewable Electricity Futures for the United States."IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
5.2 (2014) 372 - 378. DOI