X Author: Marc Ross
Koomey, Jonathan G, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn A Brown, Richard E Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, Ralph Cavanagh, Audrey Chang, David Claridge, Paul P Craig, Richard C Diamond, Joseph H Eto, William Fulkerson, Ashok J Gadgil, Howard S Geller, José Goldemberg, Charles A Goldman, David B Goldstein, Steve E Greenberg, David Hafemeister, Jeffrey P Harris, Hal Harvey, Eric Heitz, Eric Hirst, Holmes Hummel, Daniel M Kammen, Henry Kelly, John A Laitner, Mark D Levine, Amory Lovins, Gil Masters, James E McMahon, Alan K Meier, Michael Messenger, John Millhone, Evan Mills, Steven M Nadel, Bruce Nordman, Lynn K Price, Joseph J Romm, Marc Ross, Michael Rufo, Jayant A Sathaye, Leon J Schipper, Stephen H Schneider, James L Sweeney, Malcolm Verdict, Diana Vorsatz, Devra Wang, Carl Weinberg, Richard Wilk, John Wilson, and Ernst Worrell."Defining a standard metric for electricity savings."Environmental Research Letters
5.1 (2010). DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."Safer Vehicles for People and the Planet: Response to a Letter to the Editor of American Scientist."
Gordon, Deborah, David L Greene, Marc Ross, and Thomas P Wenzel."Sipping Fuel and Saving Lives: Increasing Fuel Economy Without Sacrificing Safety."
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."The effects of vehicle model and driver behavior on risk."Accident Analysis & Prevention
37.3 (2005) 479 - 494. DOI
Gladwell, Malcolm, Thomas P Wenzel, and Marc Ross."Big and Bad - How the S.U.V. ran over automotive safety."The New Yorker
(2004) 28 - 33.
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."Losing Weight to Save Lives: A Review of the Role of Automobile Weight and Size in Traffic Fatalities."
Barth, Matthew, Feng An, Theodore Younglove, George Scora, Carrie Levine, Marc Ross, and Thomas P Wenzel."Development of a Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model."
Ross, Marc, Rob Goodwin, Rick Watkins, Thomas P Wenzel, and Michael Q Wang."Real-World Emissions from Conventional Passenger Cars."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
48.6 (1998) 502 - 515. DOI
Ross, Marc, Rob Goodwin, Rick Watkins, Thomas P Wenzel, and Michael Q Wang."Real-World Emissions from Conventional Passenger Cars."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
48.6 (1998) 502 - 515. DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."SAE Technical Paper Series Characterization of Recent-Model High-Emitting Automobiles."International Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & ExpositionSAE Technical Paper Series
1 (1998). DOI
Barth, Matthew, Theodore Younglove, Thomas P Wenzel, George Scora, Feng An, Marc Ross, and Joseph Norbeck."Analysis of Modal Emissions From Diverse In-Use Vehicle Fleet."Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
1587.1 (1997) 73 - 84. DOI