X Author: Max Wei
Wei, Max, Gregory J Rosenquist, Katie Coughlin, Edward Cubero, Chao Ding, Thomas A Burke, Omar Abdelaziz, Jackson Thach, Anthony Ng, Jonah Steinbuck, and Drew Bohan."Benefits and Challenges in Using Low GWP A3 Refrigerants in Residential Air Condition Equipment."
Wei, Max, Nica Campbell, Lis Blanco, Neah Downs Dybas, Erin Nobler, Sara Lechtenberg-Kasten, Alan T Jenn, and Monisha Shah."Equity and Energy Justice-Related Metric Development for Evaluation of State- Level Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programs."
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julie Kim, Ryan Bodanyi, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, Tianzhen Hong, Daniel Dominguez, and Darren Kumar."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
Wei, Max, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, and Tianzhen Hong."Final Project Report: Building Healthier and More Energy-Efficient Communities in Fresno and the Central Valley."
Dreyfus, Gabrielle, Max Wei, Nihar Shah, and Kristen Taddonio."Ambitious Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Delivers High Impact Climate Benefits at Low Cost."
Wei, Max, Chao Ding, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fans."
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julia Kim, and Ryan Bodanyi."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
de Fournas, Nicolas, and Max Wei."Techno-economic assessment of renewable methanol from biomass gasification and PEM electrolysis for decarbonization of the maritime sector in California."Energy Conversion and Management
257 (2022) 115440. DOI
Nugroho, Rizqi, Philipp K Rose, Till Gnann, and Max Wei."Cost of a potential hydrogen-refueling network for heavy-duty vehicles with long-haul application in Germany 2050."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
46.71 (2021) 35459 - 35478. DOI
Zhang, Cong, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Max Wei, Joshua Eichman, Samveg Saxena, Matteo Muratori, and Omar J Guerra."Flexible grid-based electrolysis hydrogen production for fuel cell vehicles reduces costs and greenhouse gas emissions."Applied Energy
278 (2020) 115651. DOI
Wei, Max, Douglas R Black, John Elliott, Howdy Goudey, Steve E Greenberg, and Adam Z Weber."Improving Energy System Resilience at Berkeley Lab and Beyond."
Mayyas, Ahmad, Max Wei, and Gregorio Levis."Hydrogen as a long-term, large-scale energy storage solution when coupled with renewable energy sources or grids with dynamic electricity pricing schemes."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
45.33 (2020) 16311 - 16325. DOI
Purohit, Pallav, Lena Höglund-Isaksson, John Dulac, Nihar Shah, Max Wei, Peter Rafaj, and Wolfgang Schöpp."Electricity savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions from global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
20.19 (2020) 11305 - 11327. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Max Wei, Virginie E Letschert, and Amol A Phadke."Benefits of Energy Efficient and Low-Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Cooling Equipment."
(2019) 59.
Wei, Max, Shuba V Raghavan, and Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez."Building a Healthier and More Robust Future: 2050 Low-Carbon Energy Scenarios for California."
(2019). DOI
Wei, Max, Colin A McMillan, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."Electrification of Industry: Potential, Challenges and Outlook."Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports
6.4 (2019) 140 - 148. DOI
Ruffini, Eleanora, and Max Wei."Future costs of fuel cell electric vehicles in California using a learning rate approach."Energy
150 (2018) 329 - 341. DOI
Deason, Jeff, Max Wei, Greg Leventis, Sarah Josephine Smith, and Lisa C Schwartz."Electrification of buildings and industry in the United States: Drivers, barriers, prospects, and policy approaches."
Wang, Dai, Matteo Muratori, Joshua Eichman, Max Wei, Samveg Saxena, and Cong Zhang."Quantifying the flexibility of hydrogen production systems to support large-scale renewable energy integration."Journal of Power Sources
399 (2018) 383 - 391. DOI
Wei, Max, Sarah Josephine Smith, and Michael D Sohn."Experience curve development and cost reduction disaggregation for fuel cell markets in Japan and the US."Applied Energy
191 (2017) 346 - 357. DOI
Cantore, Nicola, Patrick Nussbaumer, Max Wei, and Daniel M Kammen."Promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in Africa: a framework to evaluate employment generation and cost effectiveness." Environmental Research Letters
12.3 (2017). DOI
Schwartz, Lisa C, Max Wei, William R Morrow III, Jeff Deason, Steven R Schiller, Greg Leventis, Sarah Josephine Smith, Woei Ling Leow, Todd Levin, Steven Plotkin, Yan Zhou, and Joseph Teng."Electricity end uses, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resources baseline."
Raghavan, Shuba V, Max Wei, and Daniel M Kammen."Scenarios to decarbonize residential water heating in California."Energy Policy
109 (2017) 441 - 451. DOI
Smith, Sarah Josephine, Max Wei, and Michael D Sohn."A retrospective analysis of compact fluorescent lamp experience curves and their correlations to deployment programs."Energy Policy
98 (2016) 505 - 512. DOI
Smith, Sarah Josephine, Max Wei, and Michael D Sohn."A retrospective analysis of compact fluorescent lamp experience curves and their correlations to deployment programs."Energy Policy
98 (2016) 505 - 512. DOI