X Author: Osman Sezgen
Sezgen, Osman, Charles A Goldman, and P Krishnarao."Option Value of Electricity Demand Response."Energy
32.2 (2007) 108-119. DOI
Goldman, Charles A, Nicole C Hopper, Osman Sezgen, Mithra M Moezzi, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Donna Pratt, Peter Cappers, and Richard Boisvert."Does Real-Time Pricing Deliver Demand Response? A Case Study of Niagara Mohawk’s Large Customer RTP Tariff."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2004) 17.
Moezzi, Mithra M, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Nicole C Hopper."Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm."
(2004) 16.
Goldman, Charles A, Nicole C Hopper, Osman Sezgen, Mithra M Moezzi, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Richard Boisvert, Peter Cappers, and Donna Pratt."Customer Response to Day-ahead Wholesale Market Electricity Prices: Case Study of RTP Program Experience in New York."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2004) 208.
Kintner-Meyer, Michael, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, and Donna Pratt."Dividends with Demand Response."American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Journal
October 2003 (2003) 8.
Kintner-Meyer, Michael, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, and Donna Pratt."New Demand Response Opportunities for Facility Managers."
(2003) 11.
Neenan, Bernard, Donna Pratt, Peter Cappers, James Doane, Jeremey Anderson, Richard Boisvert, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Galen L Barbose, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Michael Kintner-Meyer, Steve Shankle, and Derrick Bates."How and Why Customers Respond to Electricity Price Variability: A Study of NYISO and NYSERDA 2002 PRL Program Performance."
(2003) 376.
Marnay, Chris, M. M Suzie Kito, Dan Kirshner, Osman Sezgen, Steven J Pickle, Katja B Schumacher, and Ryan H Wiser."Restructuring and Renewable Energy Developments in California: Using Elfin to Simulate the Future California Power Market."
(1998) 139.
Sezgen, Osman, Chris Marnay, and Sarah E Bretz."Wind Generation in the Future Competitive California Power Market."
(1998) 17.
Sezgen, Osman, Ellen M Franconi, Jonathan G Koomey, Steve E Greenberg, Asim Afzal, and Leslie J Shown."Technology Data Characterizing Space Conditioning in Commercial Buildings: Application to End-Use Forecasting with COMMEND 4.0."
Sezgen, Osman, and Jonathan G Koomey."Technology Data Characterizing Water Heating in Commercial Buildings: Application to End-Use Forecasting."
Sezgen, Osman, Matthew E Lecar, Joseph H Eto, Barbara A Atkinson, and James E McMahon."Lighting Policy Modeling in the Commercial Sector."ACEEE 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Atkinson, Barbara A, James E McMahon, Evan Mills, Peter T Chan, Terry W Chan, Joseph H Eto, Judy D Jennings, Jonathan G Koomey, Kwok-Wai Ken Lo, Matthew E Lecar, Lynn K Price, Francis M Rubinstein, Osman Sezgen, and Thomas P Wenzel."Analysis of Federal Policy Options for Improving U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency: Commercial and Residential Buildings."