X Author: Sila Kiliccote
Kiliccote, Sila, Daniel Olsen, Michael D Sohn, and Mary Ann Piette."Characterization of demand response in the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors in the United States."Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
5.3 (2015) 288 - 304. DOI
Price, Phillip N, Nathan J Addy, and Sila Kiliccote."Predictability and Persistance of Demand Response Load Shed in Buildings."
Olsen, Daniel, Sila Kiliccote, Michael D Sohn, Laurel N Dunn, and Mary Ann Piette."Taxonomy for Modeling Demand Response Resources."
Ma, Ookie, Nasr Alkadi, Peter Cappers, Paul Denholm, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sasank Goli, Marissa Hummon, Sila Kiliccote, Jason S MacDonald, Nance Matson, Daniel Olsen, Cody Rose, Michael D Sohn, Michael Starke, Brendan J Kirby, and Mark O'Malley."Demand Response for Ancillary Services."IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid
4 (2013).
MacDonald, Jason S, Peter Cappers, Duncan S Callaway, and Sila Kiliccote."Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services A Comparison of Opportunities and Challenges in the US Wholesale Markets."Grid-Interop 2012
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Statistical analysis of baseline load models for non-residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
41.4 (2009) 374-381. DOI