X Author: Stephen Wiel
Wiel, Stephen, and James E McMahon."Energy-Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment, and Lighting - 2nd Edition."
Wiel, Stephen, Laura Van Wie McGrory, and Lloyd Harrington."Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels in North America: Opportunities for Harmonization."
(2004) 16.
Wiel, Stephen, and James E McMahon."Normas y Etiquetas de Eficiencia Energetica: Ena Guia Para Electrodomesticos, Equipo e Iluminacion."
(2003) 228.
Wiel, Stephen, and Laura Van Wie McGrory."Regional Cooperation in Energy Efficiency Standard-Setting and Labeling in North America."
(2003) 8.
Wiel, Stephen, and James E McMahon."Governments Should Implement Energy-Efficiency Standards and Labels-Cautiously."
McMahon, James E, and Stephen Wiel."Energy-Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment and Lighting."
(2001) 237.
Goldman, Charles A, G. G Alan Comnes, John F Busch, and Stephen Wiel."Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning."
(1993) 349.
Anderson, Karen, Linda Berry, Joseph H Eto, Howard S Geller, Jeffrey P Harris, Mark D Levine, Alan K Meier, Arthur H Rosenfeld, Carol Sabo, Edward L Vine, Stephen Wiel, Cheryl Wodley, Charles A Goldman, Eric Hirst, and Florentin Krause."Least Cost Planning in the Utility Sector: Progress and Challenges."
(1989) 24.