Goldman, Charles A, Michael H Rothkopf, Susan E Pantell, and Ann B Thorpe."U.S Energy Vulnerability in the 1990s: A Reassessment."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand‑side Programs: A Case Study of the Texas Utilities Electric Company."National Conference on Utility DSM Programs, Houston, Texas
Sathaye, Jayant A, and Stephen Meyers."Energy Use in Cities of the Developing Countries: A Review."
Ritschard, Ronald L, Charles A Goldman, Edward L Vine, Evan Mills, and Kathleen M Greely."Cutting Energy Costs in Public Housing: Technical Issues, Institutional Barriers, and Research Needs."
Goldman, Charles A, and Kathleen M Greely."Energy Savings in Retrofitted Multi-Family Buildings: New Results from the BECA-B Project."
Eto, Joseph H."Utility Benefits from Targeting Demand‑side Management Programs at Specific Distribution Areas."
(1986) 90.
Kahn, Edward P, Joseph H Eto, Jonathan G Koomey, Peter T Chan, and Mark D Levine."Valuation of Demand-side Utility Programs."1986 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Greely, Kathleen M, Charles A Goldman, and Ronald L Ritschard."Analyzing Energy Conservation Retrofits in Public Housing: Savings, Cost-Effectiveness, and Policy Implications."
Mills, Evan, Ronald L Ritschard, and Charles A Goldman."Financial Impacts of Energy Conservation Investment in Public Housing."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Chris Pignone, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Thermal Integrity Measures for Residential Buildings: Texas Utilities Electric Company and Nevada Power Company."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes: The Nevada Power Company."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes: The Texas Utility Electric Company."
Pignone, Chris, Joseph H Eto, and Edward P Kahn."Corporate Planning Models as Least‑Cost Utility Planning Tools."
Goldman, Charles A, and Kathleen M Greely."Measured Energy Savings in Retrofitted Multifamily Buildings."
Vine, Edward L, Jayant A Sathaye, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Planning for Oil Overcharge Funds: The California Experience."
Eto, Joseph H."Characterizing the Effects of Weather on Commercial Building Energy Use."IBPSA Building Simulation Conference
Eto, Joseph H, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes Project: Stage III Summary Report - Virginia Electric and Power Company."
Kahn, Edward P, Chris Pignone, Joseph H Eto, James E McMahon, and Mark D Levine."Regulatory Factors Affecting the Financial Impact of Conservation Programs on Utilities."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study in Energy Efficient Buildings, August 1984
Goldman, Charles A, Ronald L Ritschard, and Ronald Atkielski."Energy Conservation in Public Housing: the San Francisco Experience."
Eto, Joseph H, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes Project: Stage II Technical Report - Pacific Gas and Electric Company."
Goldman, Charles A, and Barbara S Wagner."Saving Energy in Occupied Buildings: Results from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Residential Data Bases."
Schipper, Leon J, Jayant A Sathaye, and Stephen Meyers."Energy Demand in the Developing Countries: Towards a Better Understanding."
Wall, Leonard W, Charles A Goldman, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."A Summary Report of Building Energy Compilation and Analysis (BECA) Part B: Existing North American Residential Buildings."ACEEE 1982 Summer Study in Energy Efficient Buildings