Publications: Grid Operations, Integration, and Infrastructure
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Seel, Joachim, Mel Moyce, and Sydney Forrester."A Clean Energy Deployment Baseline for the Energy Community and Low-Income Tax Credit Bonuses."
Gorman, Will, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Joseph Rand, Joachim Seel, Ryan H Wiser, Nick Manderlink, Fredrich Kahrl, Kevin Porter, and Will Cotton."Grid connection barriers to renewable energy deployment in the United States."Joule
(2024) 101791. DOI
Seel, Joachim, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Anna Cheyette, Dev Millstein, Will Gorman, Seongeun Jeong, Dana Robson, Rachman Setiawan, and Mark Bolinger."Utility-Scale Solar, 2024 Edition: Empirical Trends in Deployment, Technology, Cost, Performance, PPA Pricing, and Value in the United States."
Gorman, Will, Joseph Rand, Nick Manderlink, Anna Cheyette, Mark Bolinger, Joachim Seel, Seongeun Jeong, and Ryan H Wiser."Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Operating and Proposed Plants, 2024 Edition."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jennie Jorgenson, Lawryn Kiboma, James Hyungkwan Kim, Dev Millstein, Brian Sergi, and Natalie Mims Frick."Solar and Storage Integration in the Southeastern United States: Economics, Reliability, and Operations."
Jain, Anubhav, Tianzhen Hong, Mary Ann Piette, Michael D Sohn, Will Gorman, Alexandre Moreira, Lazlo Paul, Haitam Laarabi, and Maher Alghalayini."Frontiers in Energy Storage: Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence (AI)."
Rand, Joseph, Nick Manderlink, Will Gorman, Ryan H Wiser, Joachim Seel, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Seongeun Jeong, and Fritz Kahrl."Queued Up: 2024 Edition, Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2023."
Millstein, Dev, Seongeun Jeong, Amos Ancell, and Ryan H Wiser."A database of hourly wind speed and modeled generation for US wind plants based on three meteorological models."Scientific Data
10 (2023). DOI
Dobson, Patrick, Naod Araya, Maryjo Brounce, Margaret Busse, Mary Kay Camarillo, Lauren English, Jennifer Humphreys, Boriana Kalderon-Asael, Michael McKibben, Dev Millstein, Nori Nakata, John O'Sullivan, Noah Planavsky, Joris Popineau, Theo Renaud, Jeremy Riffault, Margaret Slattery, Eric Sonnenthal, Nicolas Spycher, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, William Stringfellow, and Malcolm White."Characterizing the Geothermal Lithium Resource at the Salton Sea."
Bolinger, Mark, Joachim Seel, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Cody Warner, Anjali Katta, and Dana Robson."Utility-Scale Solar, 2023 Edition: Empirical Trends in Deployment, Technology, Cost, Performance, PPA Pricing, and Value in the United States."
Bolinger, Mark, Will Gorman, Joseph Rand, and Seongeun Jeong."Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Operating and Proposed Plants, 2023 Edition."
Singhal, Nikita G, Rajni Kant Bansal, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Erik Ela, and Miguel Heleno."Integration of Hybrids into Wholesale Power Markets."
Kemp, Julie Mulvaney, Miguel Heleno, and Andrew D Mills."Hybrid Power Plant Bidding in Models of Future Electricity Systems."2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
(2023). DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin D Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Sunhee Baik, and Peter H Larsen."A Guide for Improved Resource Adequacy Assessments in Evolving Power Systems: Institutional and Technical Dimensions."
Seel, Joachim, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Joseph Rand, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, Fritz Kahrl, and Ryan H Wiser."Generator Interconnection Costs to the Transmission System - Summary Briefing."
Kemp, Julie Mulvaney, Dev Millstein, James Hyungkwan Kim, and Ryan H Wiser."Interactions between hybrid power plant development and local transmission in congested regions."Advances in Applied Energy
10 (2023). DOI
Kemp, Julie Mulvaney, Joachim Seel, Will Gorman, Joseph Rand, Ryan H Wiser, Will Cotton, and Kevin Porter."Interconnection Cost Analysis in ISO-New England."
Seel, Joachim, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Joseph Rand, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, Ryan H Wiser, Ari Weissfeld, Nicholas DiSanti, and Kevin Porter."Generator Interconnection Cost Analysis in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Territory."
Rand, Joseph, Rose Strauss, Will Gorman, Joachim Seel, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Seongeun Jeong, Dana Robson, and Ryan H Wiser."Queued Up: Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2022."
Kemp, Julie Mulvaney, Joachim Seel, Joseph Rand, Dev Millstein, Fredrich Kahrl, Will Gorman, Ryan H Wiser, Will Cotton, and Kevin Porter."Interconnection Cost Analysis in the NYISO Territory."
Millstein, Dev, Ryan H Wiser, Seongeun Jeong, and Julie Mulvaney Kemp."The Latest Market Data Show that the Potential Savings of New Electric Transmission was Higher Last Year than at Any Point in the Last Decade."
Seel, Joachim, Joseph Rand, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, Ryan H Wiser, Will Cotton, Katherine Fisher, Olivia Kuykendall, Ari Weissfeld, and Kevin Porter."Interconnection Cost Analysis in the PJM Territory."
Kim, James Hyungkwan, Mark Bolinger, Andrew D Mills, and Ryan H Wiser."Rethinking the Role of Financial Transmission Rights in Wind-Rich Electricity Markets in the Central U.S.."The Energy Journal
44.6 (2023). DOI