Publications: Rate Design, Policy, and Programs
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Sandler, Simon, Bentham Paulos, and Jenna Harmon."Community Solar Consolidated Billing: An Exploration of Implementation and Alternatives."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Sunhee Baik, Mark Bolinger, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Cesca Miller, Dev Millstein, Sean Murphy, Margaret Pigman, and Lisa C Schwartz."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: Policy Brief."
Bolinger, Mark, Natalie Mims Frick, and Ryan H Wiser."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: Renewable Energy."
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Sunhee Baik, Cesca Miller, and Juan Pablo Carvallo."Bill Savings vs. Backup Power: Evaluating operational tradeoffs for home solar+storage systems."
Sandonato, Anthony, Bentham Paulos, and Greg Leventis."Community Solar for Opportunity States: An exploration of development models for community solar projects in states that lack explicit enabling policies."
Barbose, Galen L."One Year In: Tracking the Impacts of NEM 3.0 on California’s Residential Solar Market."
Paulos, Bentham."A Program Design Combining Community Solar and Weatherization for Manufactured Homes in Michigan."
Forrester, Sydney, Cole Triedman, Sam Kozel, Cameron Brooks, and Peter Cappers."Third-Party Aggregation Rulemaking in MISO and SPP Footprints."
Satchwell, Andrew, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Peter Cappers, James Milford, and Hadi Eshraghi."Quantifying the Financial Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Utility Ratepayers and Shareholders."
Ingram, Michael, David Narang, Xiangkun Li, Caitlin Marquis, Debbie Lew, and Sydney Forrester."DER Interconnection Workshop."
Forrester, Sydney, Galen L Barbose, and Cesca Miller."Private vs. public value of U.S. residential battery storage operated for solar self-consumption."iScience
25.8 (2022). DOI
Burton, Robin, Murali Baggu, Jill Rhodes, Nate Blair, Tom Harris, Manajit Sengupta, Clayton Barrows, Haiku Sky, Jaemo Yang, James Elsworth, Paritosh Das, Patrick Duffy, Gabriel Zuckerman, Jeremy Stefek, Prateek Joshi, Lawrence Paul Lewis, John Murphy, Peter Cappers, Jeff Deason, Margaret Pigman, Yilu Liu, Bandana Kar, Shih-Chieh Kao, Marcelo Elizondo, Xiaoyuan Fan, Patrick Maloney, Vishvas Chalishazar, Patrick Royer, Fernando BeretaDos Reis, Amanda Wachtel, Matthew Lave, Olga Epshtein Hart, Christian Birk Jones, James Ellison, Cody Newlun, Michele Chait, Harvey Cutler, and Martin Shields."Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100): Six-Month Progress Update."
Seel, Joachim, Will Gorman, Galen L Barbose, Mark Bolinger, Cristina Crespo Montañés, Sydney Forrester, James Hyungkwan Kim, Fredrich Kahrl, Andrew D Mills, Dev Millstein, Bentham Paulos, Joseph Rand, Cody Warner, and Ryan H Wiser."Batteries Included: Top 10 Findings from Berkeley Lab Research on the Growth of Hybrid Power Plants in the United States."
Gill, Carrie, Shauna Beland, Ryan Constable, Tim Roughan, Caitlin Broderick, Stephen Lasher, Joyce McLaren, Sherin Abraham, Anthony Teixeria, Naïm R Darghouth, and Sydney Forrester."Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Conceptual Framework."
McLaren, Joyce, Sherin Abraham, Naïm R Darghouth, and Sydney Forrester."Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Technical and Economic Analysis."
Forrester, Sydney, and Peter Cappers."Opportunities and Challenges to Capturing Distributed Battery Value via Retail Utility Rates and Programs."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Stephanie Bieler, Myles T Collins, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, Douglas J Gotham, and Peter H Larsen."A framework to measure the technical, economic, and rate impacts of distributed solar, electric vehicles, and storage."Applied Energy
297 (2021). DOI
Paulos, Bentham, Sydney Forrester, Eric O'Shaughnessy, Christopher Dyson, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."An Assessment of Evaluation Practices of Low- And Moderate-Income Solar Programs."
Darghouth, Naïm R, Galen L Barbose, Jarett Zuboy, Pieter Gagnon, Andrew D Mills, and Lori Bird."Demand charge savings from solar PV and energy storage."Energy Policy
146 (2020). DOI
Zinaman, Owen R, and Naïm R Darghouth."Distributed Solar Utility Tariff and Revenue Impact Analysis: A Guidebook for International Practitioners."
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Ryan H Wiser, Sydney Forrester, and Naïm R Darghouth."The impact of policies and business models on income equity in rooftop solar adoption."Nature Energy
(2020). DOI
Cappers, Peter, and C Anna Spurlock."A Handbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Successful Electric Utility Pilots."
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, and Ryan H Wiser."Patience is a virtue: A data-driven analysis of rooftop solar PV permitting timelines in the United States."Energy Policy
144 (2020). DOI
Barbose, Galen L, and Andrew Satchwell."Benefits and costs of a utility-ownership business model for residential rooftop solar photovoltaics."Nature Energy
(2020). DOI