Publications: Renewable Energy
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Gorman, Will, Joseph Rand, Nick Manderlink, Anna Cheyette, Mark Bolinger, Joachim Seel, Seongeun Jeong, and Ryan H Wiser."Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Operating and Proposed Plants, 2024 Edition."
Kahrl, Fredrich, Jennie Jorgenson, Lawryn Kiboma, James Hyungkwan Kim, Dev Millstein, Brian Sergi, and Natalie Mims Frick."Solar and Storage Integration in the Southeastern United States: Economics, Reliability, and Operations."
Fujita, K Sydny, Zach Ancona, Louisa Kramer, James Diffendorfer, Mary Straka, Tandie E Gautreau, Dana Robson, Ben Hoen, and Chris Garrity."US Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database Files."
McAdams, Jasmine, and Nichole L Hanus."Establishing and Maintaining Engagement for a Distributional Equity Analysis."
Gilbert, Ben, Ben Hoen, and Hannah Gagarin."Distributional Equity in the Employment and Wage Impacts of Energy Transitions."Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Sudha Kannan, and Jenny Sumner."Evaluating community solar as a measure to promote equitable clean energy access."Nature Energy
(2024). DOI
Forrester, Sydney, Cristina Crespo Montañés, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Galen L Barbose."Modeling the potential effects of rooftop solar on household energy burden in the United States."Nature Communications
15 (2024). DOI
Millstein, Dev, Eric O'Shaughnessy, and Ryan H Wiser."Exploring Wholesale Energy Price Trends: The Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Prices (ReWEP) tool, Version 2024.1."
Barbose, Galen L."One Year In: Tracking the Impacts of NEM 3.0 on California’s Residential Solar Market."
Kahrl, Fritz, and Jiang Lin."Changing economics of China’s power system suggest that batteries and renewables may be a lower cost way to meet peak demand growth than coal."iScience
27.2 (2024). DOI
Bessette, Douglas L, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, Karl Hoesch, Jacob White, Sarah B Mills, and Robi Nilson."Good fences make good neighbors: Stakeholder perspectives on the local benefits and burdens of large-scale solar energy development in the United States."Energy Research & Social Science
108 (2024). DOI
Peng, Liqun, Gang He, and Jiang Lin."Role of Pumped Hydro Storage in China’s Power System Transition."
Nilson, Robi, Ben Hoen, and Joseph Rand."Survey of Utility-Scale Wind and Solar Developers Report."
Simley, Eric, Dev Millstein, Seongeun Jeong, and Paul Fleming."The value of wake steering wind farm flow control in US energy markets."Wind Energy Science
9.1 (2024). DOI
Millstein, Dev, Seongeun Jeong, Amos Ancell, and Ryan H Wiser."A database of hourly wind speed and modeled generation for US wind plants based on three meteorological models."Scientific Data
10 (2023). DOI
Brunner, Eric, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, and David Schwegman."Commercial Wind Turbines and Residential Home Values: New Evidence from the Universe of Land-Based Wind Projects in the United States."Energy Policy
(2023). DOI
Forrester, Sydney, Galen L Barbose, Eric O'Shaughnessy, Naïm R Darghouth, and Cristina Crespo Montañés."Residential Solar-Adopter Income and Demographic Trends: 2023 Update."
Dobson, Patrick, Naod Araya, Maryjo Brounce, Margaret Busse, Mary Kay Camarillo, Lauren English, Jennifer Humphreys, Boriana Kalderon-Asael, Michael McKibben, Dev Millstein, Nori Nakata, John O'Sullivan, Noah Planavsky, Joris Popineau, Theo Renaud, Jeremy Riffault, Margaret Slattery, Eric Sonnenthal, Nicolas Spycher, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, William Stringfellow, and Malcolm White."Characterizing the Geothermal Lithium Resource at the Salton Sea."
Fujita, K Sydny, Zach Ancona, Louisa Kramer, James Diffendorfer, Mary Straka, Tandie E Gautreau, Dana Robson, Ben Hoen, and Chris Garrity."Georectified polygon database of ground-mounted large-scale solar photovoltaic sites in the United States."Scientific Data
(2023). DOI
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L Barbose, Alexandra Grayson, Isa Ferrall-Wolf, and Deborah Sunter."Impacts of non-residential solar on residential adoption decisions."Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy
2 (2023). DOI
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Cesca Miller, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, and Philip White."Solar+Storage for Household Back-up Power: Implications of building efficiency, load flexibility, and electrification for backup during long-duration power interruptions."
O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Alexandra Grayson, and Galen L Barbose."The role of peer influence in rooftop solar adoption inequity in the United States."Energy Economics
127 (2023). DOI
Abhyankar, Nikit, Umed Paliwal, Michael O’Boyle, Michelle Solomon, Jeremy Fisher, and Amol A Phadke."A new era for rural electric cooperatives: New clean energy investments, supported by federal incentives, will reduce rates, emissions, and reliance on outside power."The Electricity Journal
36.8 (2023). DOI