Publications: Technologies and Strategies
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Baik, Sunhee, Cesca Miller, and Juan Pablo Carvallo."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: The resilience value of residential solar + storage systems in the continental U.S.."
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Cesca Miller, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, and Philip White."Solar+Storage for Household Back-up Power: Implications of building efficiency, load flexibility, and electrification for backup during long-duration power interruptions."
Baik, Sunhee, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Cesca Miller, Will Gorman, and Michael Spears."Backup Power Performance of Solar-plus-Storage Systems during Routine Power Interruptions: A Case Study Application of Berkeley Lab’s PRESTO Model."
Sparti, Chelsi, Peter H Larsen, and Tyler Huntington."The Value of Sharing and Consolidating Critical Community, Electricity, and Natural Hazard Information."
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, Cesca Miller, Philip White, and Marlena Prapost."County-level assessment of behind-the-meter solar and storage to mitigate long duration power interruptions for residential customers."Applied Energy
342 (2023). DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin D Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Sunhee Baik, and Peter H Larsen."A Guide for Improved Resource Adequacy Assessments in Evolving Power Systems: Institutional and Technical Dimensions."
Gorman, Will, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Sunhee Baik, Cesca Miller, Philip White, and Marlena Prapost."Evaluating the Capabilities of Behind-the-Meter Solar-plus-Storage for Providing Backup Power during Long-Duration Power Interruptions."
Villa, Daniel, Tyler Schostek, Carlo Bianchi, Madeline McMillan, and Juan Pablo Carvallo."The Multi-scenario Extreme Weather Simulator: Energy Resilience for Mission Assurance."
(2022). DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Maury Galbraith, and Peter H Larsen."Implications of a regional resource adequacy program on utility integrated resource planning: Study for the Western United States."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H Larsen."Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System."
Larsen, Peter H."A Method to Estimate the Costs and Benefits of Undergrounding Electricity Transmission and Distribution lines."Energy Economics
60.November 2016 (2016) 47-61. DOI
Phillips, Julia A, Kelly E Wallace, Terence Y Kudo, and Joseph H Eto."Onsite and Electric Power Backup Capabilities at Critical Infrastructure Facilities in the United States."
Deshmukh, Ranjit, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Ashwin Gambhir."Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy Mini-grids for Energy Access: A Framework for Policy Design."