X Author: Ming Jin
Jin, Ming, Ruoxi Jia, Hari Prasanna Das, Wei Feng, and Costas Spanos."BISCUIT: Building Intelligent System Customer Investment Tools."Energy Procedia
158 (2019) 6152 - 6157. DOI
Bao, Yi, Jian Xu, Wei Feng, Yuanzhang Sun, Siyang Liao, Rongxin Yin, Yazhou Jiang, Ming Jin, and Chris Marnay."Provision of secondary frequency regulation by coordinated dispatch of industrial loads and thermal power plants."Applied Energy
241 (2019) 302 - 312. DOI
Wang, Xuan, Ming Jin, Wei Feng, Gequn Shu, Hua Tian, and Youcai Liang."Cascade energy optimization for waste heat recovery in distributed energy systems."Applied Energy
230 (2018) 679 - 695. DOI
Feng, Wei, Ming Jin, Xu Liu, Yi Bao, Chris Marnay, Cheng Yao, and JianCheng Yu."A Review of Microgrid Development in the United States – a Decade of Progress on Policies, Demonstrations, Controls, and Software Tools."Applied Energy
228 (2018) 1656 - 1668. DOI
Feng, Wei, Ming Jin, Xu Liu, Yi Bao, Chris Marnay, Cheng Yao, and JianCheng Yu."A review of microgrid development in the United States – A decade of progress on policies, demonstrations, controls, and software tools."Applied Energy
228 (2018) 1656 - 1668. DOI
Feng, Wei, Ming Jin, Xu Liu, Yi Bao, Chris Marnay, Cheng Yao, and JianCheng Yu."A review of microgrid development in the United States – A decade of progress on policies, demonstrations, controls, and software tools."Applied Energy
228 (2018) 1656 - 1668. DOI
Jin, Ming, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, and Costas Spanos."Microgrid to enable optimal distributed energy retail and end-user demand response."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1321 - 1335. DOI
Jin, Ming, Wei Feng, Ping Liu, Chris Marnay, and Costas Spanos."MOD-DR: Microgrid optimal dispatch with demand response."Applied Energy
187 (2016). DOI
Liu, Ping, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, Spencer M Dutton, Ming Jin, Lingwei Zheng, and Nan Zhou."Towards the Optimal Development of Low-Carbon Community Energy Systems."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings